Georgia Aquarium Flooded Forest
Amazon River, Life Below and Above The Surface
The Flooded Forest exhibit recreates how the Amazon rainforest and Amazon river coexist at the riverbank, especially during the high water seasons. The aquatic and terrestrial plants mix and mingle throughout the exhibit, so two lighting styles were needed - one for the high light of the full sun, and one for the murky, dappled sunlight you'd find underwater during a monsoon.
To achieve these goals, W2KB and W500BD LED light fixtures were selected. The W2KB 50-degree reflector provides ideal lighting conditions for the living ecosystem below the water, giving depth and light intensity for the aquatic plants below the surface. The W500BD provides the lighting spread and intensity needed for plant growth of the thick forest living wall behind and above the surface.
For extra flexibility, the W500BD and W2KB LED lights can be angled and directed into specific areas of the exhibit to highlight and enhance the natural feel of the Amazon River - allowing the biologists to create any biome desired.