Kessil WiFi App
User Manual



Step 1
Download App

Android Operating System 5.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) or above is recommended.
Resolution must be 360x640 dp or above.
iOS 10.0 or above is recommended

Step 2
Basic Setup

Type in the closest major city near you

Select one of the links to sign in with the social media accounts or skip the process. By continuing, you accept the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

Step 3
Set up WiFi

AP9X & WiFi Dongle Indicator States

Wi-Fi Indicator States

Wi-Fi_AP Mode

Allow other Wi-Fi devices to connect to itself

Wi-Fi_STA Mode

To connect to a wireless router or master Kessil Wi-Fi enabled products

AP9X Mode Indicator States

Set up WiFi

1 AP9X Button

2 WiFi Dongle Button

3 Cancel Button

1 Through Wireless Router

2 Connect Directly Via WiFi

3 Quick Reload

4 Cancel Button

Cancels the setup procedure and goes to Dashboard

Dongle LED

Solid Purple

The WiFi Dongle requires 40 seconds to boot. The WiFi Dongle Status Indicator will show solid purple light.

Solid Orange

Standby mode, ready to be connected.


Solid Purple

AP9X requires 40 seconds to boot. The AP9X Wi-Fi Indicator will show solid purple light.

Solid Orange

Standby mode, ready to be connected.

Scan QR Code

1 Back to Step 1 - Power

2 Scan QR Code

Make sure your phone's camera permission is turned on

3 Skip Button

Skip and use other connection method

Through Wireless Router

1 Back to Step 1 - Power

2 Router List

3 Router signal strength

4 Scan Again

5 Save Password

Check the box to save password of your router for future connection

6 Next Button

Solid Green

STA Mode.
Successfully connected to wireless router or to the master AP9X / WIFi Dongle as slave.

Connect Directly Via WiFi

Connect Directly to Dongle's WiFi. Cannot use router's WiFi or cellular data temporarily

Solid Blue

AP Mode.
Successfully connected to mobile device and act as the master (through "Connect Directly Via WiFi").

1 Done Button

Complete the Set up Wi-Fi connection

2 Set up Additional AP9X Button

Continue to set up next AP9X

3 Set up Additional Dongle Button

Continue to set up next Dongle

Quick Reload

Quick reload if the Dongle has been connected to your router or other devices

1 Back to Set up WiFi

2 Choose a AP9X / Dongle

You can only choose one AP9X / Dongle here. If multiple AP9Xs / Dongles are previously connected together, they will all be loaded on Dashboard

3 OK Button



1 Dashboard

An overview of connected lamps, including group information and lamp status

2 Group

To change group's name, add groups, exchange groups, etc.

3 Mode

To access Manual Mode and Program Mode

4 Settings

5 All On / Off

6 Group's Name / Quick access to "Group"

Tab to enter "Group" section

7 Number of Lamps

Indicates number of lamps in a group

8 Lamp Status / Quick access to "Mode"

Indicates the mode and brief info that the group is running. Tab to enter "Mode" section

9 Program's Name

10 Program

Indicates the current color & intensity level. Also shows if acclimation or lunar cycle mode is turned on

11 Refresh / Add AP9X / Add Dongle / Quick Reload

12 Wi-Fi & K-Link Group

13 0-10V Group

14 Daylight Mode

Only with A360X Refugium, for illuminating refugium or taking photos

Refresh / Add AP9X / Add Dongle / Quick Reload Button on Dashboard

1 Refresh

Search for existing and new lamps

2 Add AP9X

Connect to new AP9X(s)

3 Add Dongle

Connect to new WiFi Dongle(s)

4 Quick Reload

If a AP9X / WiFi Dongle has been connected to your router or other devices before, you can quickly load it back without reconnecting to it

5 Cancel Button

Gesture Action

1 Swipe down to refresh

Quick way to search for existing and new lamps



1 Group's Name

2 Program's Name

Indicates the program that is currently running under this group

3 Delete Group Button

Press the Delete Group Button and the button will show up.
Tab to delete group

4 Edit Group's Name

5 Find Me

Flashes light to indicate location

6 Disconnection Alert

7 Arrange Group

Swipe up to start arranging groups

8 Add Group

Delete Group

1 Delete Group

Press the Delete Group Button and the button shows up.
Tap to delete group

2 Delete Group Gesture (Alternative)

Press and hold until the button shows up.
Tap to delete group

3 Cancel Delete Group Action

Press any blank area to cancel the delete group action

Gesture Action

1 Swipe left and right for other groups

2 Swipe up for grouping

Gesture Action (Cont.)

1 Swipe left and right

2 Swipe left and right

3 Move Lamp

Press, hold, and drag to another group


Please check all connections and swipe down the Dashboard page to refresh


Please check the fixture and clean the fan. Disconnect it from power to let it cool down. After plugging back in, swipe down the Dashboard page to refresh

Signal Conflict / Error

Signal conflict / error detected. Unplug any K-Link cables or turn off the Wi-Fi of the slave lights(s) by pressing the "Wi-Fi" button on the touch panel for 3s (the "Wi-Fi" indicator will turn off). Click OK and pull down the Dashboard to refresh

Does not Support 5GHz Signal

WiFi Dongle does not support 5GHz signal, please reset app and AP9X and reconnect to a 2.4GHz signal



1 Group's Name

2 Program's Name

Indicates the program that is currently running under this group

3 Number of lamps

Indicates number of lamps in the group

4 Edit

Edit Manual Mode or Program Mode

5 Current Status

6 Program Library

Swipe up for programs

Manual Mode

1 Back to "Mode"

Go back and the current settings will be saved

2 Color Panel

Drag the dot to choose the desired color

3 "-" and "+"

Tab "-" and "+" to slightly adjust color or intensity level

4 Intensity Panel

Drag the dot to choose the desired intensity

5 VI & Red & Green Bars

Slide the bars or press "-" and "+" to slightly adjust the VI/R/G values.

6 Save Color

Tab to save your combination of Color & Intensity. Combinations can be used in Program Mode

7 Delete Saved Colors Button

Press the Delete Button and the button shows up.
Tap to delete saved colors

8 Delete Saved Colors Gesture (Alternative)

Press and hold until the button shows up.
Tap to delete saved colors

Effect Mode

1 Back to "Mode"

Go back and the current settings will be saved

2 Effect Mode

Demonstrates these effects: Storm, Cloud, Aurora, Rainbow, Moonlight Red, Moonlight Blue

3 Time

Length of the effect in minutes

4 Frequency

The frequency of the effect during the above time period

Gesture Action

1 Swipe left and right for other groups

2 Swipe up for programs

Program Mode

1 Group's Name

2 Program's Name

Indicates the program that is currently running under this group

3 Number of lamps

Indicates number of lamps in the group

4 Edit

Edit Manual Mode or Program Mode

5 Program Graph

6 Current Color & Intensity

Displays the current color & intensity level of the program

7 ON/OFF Button for Acclimation

8 Acclimation Information

9 Edit Acclimation

10 ON/OFF Button for Lunar Cycle

11 Lunar Cycle Information

12 Edit Lunar Cycle

Program Library

1 Add Program

Tab to add up to 11 programs for each model type

2 Program's Name

Tab twice to edit program

3 Program

Indicates the current color & intensity level

4 Highlighted Program

Lamp is running the program if it is highlighted

5 Preset Programs

Preset programs cannot be deleted, but can be sorted

6 Delete Program Button

Press the Delete Program Button and the button shows up.
Tap to delete saved colors

7 Daylight Mode

Daylight Mode cannot be deleted,but can be sorted

Sort or Delete Program

1 Sort

Press, hold, and drag the program to change the order

2 Delete Program

Press the Delete Program Button and the button shows up.
Tap to delete program

3 Delete Program Gesture (Alternative)

Press and hold until the button shows up.
Tap to delete program

4 Cancel Delete Program Action

Press any blank area to cancel the delete program action

5 Press to Delete Program

Customizing Program

1 Back to "Mode"

Go back and the current settings will be saved

2 Intensity Level

3 Default Button

Tab to revert to the default preset program. Only available in Preset program

4 Acclimation's Day

Indicates the progress of the Acclimation Mode

5 Lunar Cycle's Date

Indicates the progress of the Lunar Cycle

6 Program's Curve

7 Color & Intensity of Selected Time Point

8 Time Axis

Slide to the left or right to choose another time point

9 Program Point

Shows the color of the program point. Click the enlarged program point to edit

10 Program Point's Intensity Information

11 Add Program Point

12 Delete Program Point

Press the Delete Pt. Button and the button will show up.
Tab to delete program point

13 Preview Program in 30s

14 Edit Program's Name

Tab to edit program's name. Preset program's name cannot be changed

Delete Program Point.

15 Delete Program Point Button

Press the Delete Pt. Button and the button will show up.
Tab to delete program point

16 Delete Saved Colors Point Gesture (Alternative)

Press and hold until the button will show up.
Tab to delete program point

Edit Program Point

1 Back to "Program"

Go back to the program page and the point's settings will be saved

2 Time

Scroll up or down to change the hours and minutes

3 Color Tab

4 Effect Tab

5 Color Panel

Drag the dot to choose the desired color

6 "-" & "+"

Tab "-" and "+" to slightly adjust color or intensity level

7 Intensity Panel

Drag the dot to choose the desired intensity

8 VI & Red & Green Bars

Slide the bars or press "-" and "+" to slightly adjust the VI/R/G values

9 Save Color

Tab to save your current combination of Color & Intensity for future use

10 Delete Saved Color

Press the Delete Saved Color Button and the button will show up.
Tap to delete saved colors

11 Saved Color & Intensity

Tab to apply previously saved Color & Intensity combination

Edit Program Point - Effect Tab

12 Effect Options

There are four effect options: Storm, Cloud, Aurora and Rainbow.

13 Time

Length of the effect in minutes

14 Frequency

The frequency of the effect during the above time period

Setting Acclimation

Acclimation mode allows user to lower the light intensity in order for animals to acclimate to the new lights. This can be used when adding new corals or when using Kessil LED lights for the first time.
"Starting Intensity" means a proportion of the point's intensity, e.g. if you have a point at 80% intensity, under Acclimation & "Starting Intensity" as 50%, that point will be at 40% on Day 1, and ramp up gradually to reach 80%

1 Back to "Mode"

Go back and the current settings will be saved

2 Acclimation's Day

Indicates the progress of the Acclimation Mode

3 Program's Curve

4 Acclimated Program's Curve

Today's acclimation curve

5 Current Acclimation Int.

6 Period

Scroll to set/change the Acclimation period

7 Starting Intensity

Scroll to set/change the starting intensity

8 Restart Button

Restarts the acclimation mode, i.e. return to Day 1

Reset Button of Acclimation Mode

1 Reset Button

Resets acclimation mode and goes back to Day 1

2 Keep Button

Makes no change to the acclimation mode

Set Lunar Cycle

Lunar Cycle mimics a 30-day moon phase cycle utilizing the new ultra low dimming feature, for night-time viewing

1 Back to "Mode"

Go back and the current settings will be saved

2 Lunar Cycle's Time

Scroll up or down to change the hours and minutes for Lunar Cycle point

3 Lunar Cycle's Date

Indicates the progress of the Lunar Cycle

4 High Moon Point

5 Time Axis of Lunar Cycle

Slide to the left or right to choose another time point

6 Current Phase

7 Moon Color

Tap to set color: Blue or Red

8 Starting Phase

Tap or slide to set starting phase: Full Moon, Gibbous, Half Moon, Crescent, New Moon

9 Static

Static ultra low intensity over the whole period. Does not mimic Lunar Cycle phases.

10 Restart Button

Restarts the Lunar Cycle, i.e. return to Day 1

Reset Button of Lunar Cycle

1 Reset Button

Resets Lunar Cycle and goes back to Day 1

2 Keep Button

Makes no change to the Lunar Cycle


1 Social Media Photo

2 Edit Username

3 Edit Time Zone

4 Log In / Log Out

Logs in or out of social media account

5 Backup to Cloud

Saves current settings and programs to logged-in account. Device needs to be connected to the internet.

6 Restore from Cloud

Downloads saved settings and programs to AP9X / Dongle. Device needs to be connected to the internet.

7 Notification

8 Demo Mode

When Demo Mode is turned on, any adjustments will not be saved. After 5 minutes of inactivity, light will automatically revert back to the settings/programs prior to Demo Mode. This is designed for retail stores to allow customers trying out the control and functions.

9 About

Information about the AP9X(s) / WiFi Dongle(s) and connected lamp(s)

10 User Manual

11 Reset App

The connected lamp profiles, saved color and programs will be removed.

Edit Time Zone

1 Back to "Settings"

2 Type in the closest major city near you

3 Cancel Button

Backup to Cloud

Saves current settings and programs to logged-in account. Device needs to be connected to the internet. Max. 10 profiles can be created

1 Back to "Settings"

2 Delete Backup Profiles Button

3 Create a new item

4 Update item

Select one to directly overwrite the file

5 OK Button

6 Return to Profile List Button

7 Choose multiple items to delete

8 Delete Button

1 Edit item’s name

2 Cancel Button

3 Save Button

Restore from Cloud

1 Back to "Settings"

2 Choose one to restore

3 OK Button

1 Cancel Button

2 Restore Button

About Section of Settings

1 Back to "Settings"

2 Expand

3 AP9X or Dongle SN / Firmware

4 Firmware Update

Update the firmware of AP9X / WiFi Dongle or lamp through FOTA (Firmware Over-The-Air)

5 AP9X Wireless Connection Needed

Please unplug K-Link Cables on this fixture and connect wirelessly to the app (either through Wireless Router or Connect Directly Thru Wi-Fi)

6 A360X SN / Firmware


The Basics

Can I daisy chain multiple A360X and have only one WiFi Dongle?

Yes, you can daisy chain multiple lights (up to 32 lights) using K-Link Cables, and have only one WiFi Dongle on any one of the fixtures. This will minimize wireless interference.

Can I daisy chain multiple AP9X?

Yes, for less wireless interference and more stable connection, you can daisy chain multiple AP9X using K-Link Cables. Make sure only one AP9X has the Wi-Fi signal turned on.


How to create a program

There are two ways to create a program

  • Edit from the Preset Programs

  • Create a new blank programs

    • Go to the “Mode” tab and swipe up the lower part of the page, you will see Manual settings, Preset programs, and a “+” to add new program

How to edit a program point

  • In the program page, press the enlarged dot under the timeline to enter the “Edit Program Pt.” page. You can change the time, color, and intensity settings.

  • Press the back arrow and this point will be automatically saved.

How to create a program point

  • In the program page, press “Add Pt” at the bottom left corner to enter “Edit Program Pt.” page. You can change the time, color, and intensity settings.

  • Press the back arrow and this point will be automatically saved.

How to create a new blank program

  • Go to the “Mode” tab and swipe up the lower part of the page, you will see Manual settings, Preset programs, and a “+” to add new program

  • Press “+” to add a new program. You will see one single program point.

  • Edit that single program point to be your program’s starting point.

  • Press the back arrow and this point will be automatically saved

  • Press “Add Pt” at the bottom left corner to enter “Edit Program Pt.” page. You can change the time, color, and intensity settings.

  • Press the back arrow and this point will be automatically saved

  • Continue to add more program points. Make sure you have at least one program point with 0% intensity so that the light will turn off.

Connection Troubleshooting

Phone cannot connect to AP9X / WiFi Dongle SSID or Cannot find AP9X / WiFi Dongle SSID under WiFi network selection

  • Make sure the WiFi Indicator Light on the AP9X / WiFi Dongle is Solid Orange.

  • Make sure the QR Code stickers S/N matches the AP9X / WiFi Dongle S/N.

  • If AP9X Wi-Fi SSID is still not found, reset the Wi-Fi configuration on AP9X (press the “Wi-Fi” and “Intensity” buttons simultaneously for 3 seconds). If WiFi Dongle SSID is still not found, use a sharp object to press the Reset Button on the WiFi Dongle for 3 seconds.

  • If you lose the QR Code stickers or they don’t work, the password is the reverse of the S/N (capital letters matter).

Went through the connection steps but the app cannot find anything

  • Make sure you enter the correct wireless router password on Step 3 of the connection process. The app cannot verify the password.

  • If you are using an Android phone, you may have enabled simultaneous Mobile Data & WiFi usage settings on your phone, meaning even the phone is connected to the wireless router or AP9X / Dongle SSID, it may switch to Mobile Data and stop connecting to the correct SSID.

  • Turn off Mobile Data temporarily and restart the connection process.

  • Make sure the phone is connected to the correct Wi-Fi network. In the app, choose “Quick Reload” to find the lights again.

  • Check the wireless router’s settings → DHCP settings, change the maximum users or device number to 200.

For Google Pixel phone (Android 10 OS), went through the connection steps but the app cannot find anything

  • Go to phone Settings → "Wi-Fi Preferences", turn off the "Turn on Wi-Fi automatically" option

  • When connecting to the AP9X / WiFi Dongle SSID, make sure you choose “Yes” when prompted “Stay connected”

For iPhone, scanning the QR code failed. I already made sure the S/N is correct and WiFi is turned on

  • This is a known issue with the latest iOS. Turn off and restart your iPhone.

  • Open the “Kessil WiFi” app and go through the connection process.

Successfully added AP9X(s) / WiFi Dongle(s), but after that one or more AP9X(s) / WiFi Dongle(s) is missing

  • Make sure you connect to the correct AP9X / WiFi Dongle SSID/Wireless router. For “Connect Directly Via WiFi” , make sure the master AP9X / Dongle has a Solid Blue indicator light, and the slave AP9X(s) / Dongle(s) has a Solid Green indicator light; For “Through Wireless Router”, make sure all AP9X(s) / Dongle(s) has a Solid Green indicator light.

  • Press “Retry” when the fail to connect message pops up. Try multiple times.

  • If AP9X(s) / WiFi Dongle(s) is still missing, use “Quick Reload” to quickly load back the AP9X(s) / WiFi Dongle(s).

How to delete connections with AP9X / WiFi Dongle

  • For AP9X, reset the Wi-Fi configuration on AP9X (press the “Wi-Fi” and “Intensity” buttons simultaneously for 3 seconds); For WiFi Dongle, use a sharp object to press the Reset Button on the WiFi Dongle for 10 seconds until Indicator shows blinking red light, then unplug it from the light fixture.

  • Wait 10-20 sec, swipe down the Dashboard page to refresh


How to arrange groups

  • Go to the “Group” tab in the app.

  • Press “+” to create a new group

  • Press and hold the SSID you wish to move, and drag it to another group

How to delete groups

Default Groups cannot be deleted.

  • For customized group, press and hold the group and a “x” will appear at the top right corner.

  • Press the “x” and the group will be deleted.

Phone Settings

Location Settings

For Android phone users, location settings must be turned on to use the app. It helps the accuracy of the wireless connection

WiFi Settings

Make sure in your phone’s “Settings” → “WiFi”, WiFi settings is turned on. Make sure the correct network is selected (wireless router or AP9X / Dongle SSID depending on the connection method)

Battery Saver Mode

For Android phone users, Battery Saver Mode must be temporarily turned off to use the app. To certain Android phones and operating systems, it helps the accuracy of the wireless connection

Reset the WiFi Dongle

How to reset WiFi configuration of WiFi Dongle

Use a sharp object to press the Reset Button on the WiFi Dongle for 3 seconds.

How to factory reset WiFi Dongle (clear all programs, WiFi configurations, etc.)

Use a sharp object to press the Reset Button on the WiFi Dongle for 10 seconds until Status Indicator shows blinking red light.

Reset the AP9X

How to reset WiFi configuration of AP9X

Touch and hold the “Intensity” & “Wi-Fi” buttons simultaneously for 3 seconds to reset the Wi-Fi configuration (i.e. to reconnect). The Wi-Fi indicator will turn solid red. User's settings will not be deleted. The Wi-Fi Indicator will change to solid orange.

How to factory reset AP9X (clear all programs, WiFi configurations, etc.)

Touch and hold the “Intensity”, “Color” & “Wi-Fi” buttons simultaneously for more than 10 seconds to reset the AP9X. The Mode indicator will disappear then blink red. User's settings will be deleted. The Wi-Fi indicator will be solid purple to indicate booting mode (may take up to 40 seconds).


Multiple AP9X (up to 32 K-Link fixtures) can be connected using "Kessil WiFi" app and K-Link Cables. Only the master AP9X should have Wi-Fi signal turned on (Wi-Fi indicator (B) is ON), Wi-Fi signal on the other fixtures should be OFF. Mode Indicator (A) will be solid blue and control buttons are disabled.


- AP9X can be connected and controlled through Kessil Spectral Controller X with a K-Link Cable.
- The AP9X control buttons will be disabled.

DO NOT plug in both WiFi Dongle and Spectral Controller X

DO NOT daisy-chain two light fixtures with WiFi Dongles